Saturday, September 5, 2009


It's been quite a few weeks since I've posted anything new. Sorry dudes. I know you've just been wondering where the heck I've been. I'll tell ya... I've been tired. Exhausted. Busy. And all sorts of other things. Well here is an update: Bryanna is quite mobile. Yes, she is crawling on her little hands and knees now. She absolutely loves the dog food/water bowl. Seems like if we look away for even a second she has managed to make her way over there in record time. She's also pulling herself to standing, but not yet walking along the table as some babies can do. It's absolutely amazing at how much they learn in such a little amount of time! We ordered the cake for Bryanna's party next week and gotten some of the food and essentials we'll need. Just a few more trips to the store and I'm sure we'll have it all (hopefully).

I've also started school. I'm taking 2 online classes and they aren't that easy. It's not that they are difficult, but I wasn't expecting an online class to be much work. I guess I shouldn't assume so much. But I love it! Being in school makes me feel like I'm working towards something better. You really do appreciate it a lot more when you realize how much it's going to help you in the long run. Few more years and I'll have a degree. Wooo!