Friday, January 13, 2017

6 Years and I'm Back


6 years....

6 years since my last post.

It's been so long I don't even recognize the features on this thing. Regardless...some writing is much needed right now. I'll get the hang of it again, right?

So...a lot has happened in the past 6 years, but I'm not going to bore you with the details. Plus - there's just too many for me to decide which are relevant enough to talk about.

Let's start with yesterday - January 12th, 2016. Somehow, some way, I remembered that I used to have three blogs:  one for me, one for Bryanna, and one for Brendan. This prompted me to take some time today to find them.....and I did! YAY! :)

It's been a tough 6 years. Break ups, arguments, new relationships, custody battles, court hearings, tantrums, new jobs, new experiences, new everything!

As I write, Bryanna sits next to me with a bowl of cereal in hand, watching a movie on Netflix. She's 8 now. 8. Years. Old. WOW! Still amazes me everyday. Still drives me crazy. Still makes me laugh. Still makes me cry. Still loves me. Still shows me everything I need to know about being a mother. This girl has changed my life in so many wonderful ways.

Her brother. Oh boy, where do I begin? That boy keeps me on my toes every. Single. Day. Bryanna and Brendan's personalities are complete and total opposite. He makes me feel like this is my first time with this whole parenting thing. The kiddo is something else. But he's mine. He's my baby boy. Always has been; always will.

I write to vent. I write to release. I write to feel heard. I write to help. I write in hopes that getting these thoughts on paper will somehow alleviate the stress and anxiety I feel each and every day. Let's give it another whirl, and see where it takes me! :)

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