Sunday, April 24, 2011


So it's been a while since I've visited my blog. And a lot has changed since the last post. Remember me saying how God has a plan for everyone, and you don't know where you'll be or who you'll be with a month from now, a year from now, and so on?

Well I got a good lesson in that. Things can happen so quickly that you have no idea what the heck is going on. One minute you're life can be in order and things are going as usual and then BAM! It all changes.

Last weekend I had a pretty big wake up call to where God wants my life to go. And unfortunately, he wants me to go there alone. But I can do it, right? It is possible for me to do things on my own without a companion. I did it for the first 15 years of my life, I can do it again.

But.... I'm scared.

I'm not a person who likes to be alone. And when I'm forced to be alone, I don't deal with it so well. Depression kicks in. Anxiety kicks in. And that's how I've been the last week. Lost. Afraid. Lonely. But it gets better, right? I mean.... those feelings can't last forever, can they? I sure hope not.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Accidents Happen

So there I am, toastin' up a yummy toaster strudel for Bryanna, when I hear her crying. She tends to do that a lot (cry) so I don't think much of it. The toaster strudel is done and ready so I make my way downstairs to give it to her. She's sitting there on the floor with tears in her eyes and a frown on her face, but no longer actually crying. I ask her what happened and she responds with "My hurt my butt." "Aww, you hurt your butt?" "Yeah (with sad face)." "What did you sit on?" She points to her semi-little, plastic Elmo phone. I say "Aww man. Well you'll be ok." She continues playing and I continue getting ready for work. A half hour passes and I'm changing her diaper to get her ready for the day.

I think WHOA! What the hell is this!? There is blood in her diaper.

Of course, I start freaking out, so Bryanna starts freaking out. I see dried blood, but can't figure out where it initally came from. I knew it was from sitting on the toy and obviously there was a cut somewhere. After many phone calls (one to Gramma and a few to the doc's office) I determine that she definitely needs to be seen. Because by this point (the end of the phone calls) I've managed to figure out that she has a decent-sized gash between the cheeks of her tooshy.

No appointments were available so I drop the boy off at daycare and bring her to the oh-so-awesomely-fast E.R. in Stillwater. (<--Seriously, they are pretty fast.) The doc says no stitches are needed, but we for sure need to keep the area clean to prevent infection, and soak her toosh in the tub as often as we can - which is no problem considering she already takes like 2-3 baths a day. What can I say? The girl loves the tub!

I can't help but think that this accident could have been avoided if I were to keep the basement floor much more clear of toys and clutter. I'm almost positive the Elmo phone was left on the floor from the previous night of play time, but never picked up because I'm way too lazy to do any daily cleaning.

Moral of the story (for me):  Keep your living/playing space neat and tidy. Pick up nightly after the kiddos lay their sleepy, little noggins on their pillows. (Much easier said than done, but there's always room for improvement.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What's Meant To Be

"What's meant to be will always find a way." <---So cliche, right?

I totally believe in it though.

Too many things have happened in my life for me not to believe in it. I looked for months upon months for a full time job. I began to think it would never happen and I was just meant to make minimum wage until I was through with college. I was wrong. Last October, I got hired on full-time at my current job. It happened right when it was supposed to. I was moving into a new place, I was going to be paying more rent, I had just had a second child. The timing was right on.

Same with relationships. It's hard to picture my life years from now, who I'll be with, where I'll be living and working. God has a plan for everyone though. (I'm not here to push these beliefs on any one, I'm just saying how I feel.) He knows exactly what is going to happen to each person at any point in time. He already knew that at 19 years old I would have a baby girl, and at 21 years old I'd have a baby boy. He knew the bd and I wouldn't work out, but He did know that the bd would eventually become "the bd." And he also knew that Robert would one day become the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with. But not until after all of the above happened first.

You never know where life is going to take you or what is going to happen. What you know today, may not be the same tomorrow. Only He knows. And that is the way it's supposed to be.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pure Exhaustion

I don't know what the heck is wrong with me, but I am constantly tired. ALL. THE. TIME. I'm tellin' ya... It's like I wake up in the morning with no energy, no motivation, no "get-up-and-go." Anyone else feel like that on a daily basis? Ugh. I know being a mommy of a toddler and 1/2 year old probably has something to do with it, but come on. This is getting a tad bit ridiculous, and I can't help it. I get a decent amount of sleep (granted I do get up with Brendan when he wants to eat in the middle of the night). I don't go to bed too late (at least I don't think so). And I take naps when I have the chance. I even get up with the kids and sleep on the couch for a little bit when Brendan goes back to sleep after eating and Bryanna is watching 'Shrek'. But that still doesn't do anything. I could sleep all day long if I had the chance! I just want one day where I have the energy to do something with myself instead of hangin' out in my jams all day, sitting on the couch, watching 'Shrek' over and over again, and letting the basement look like a flippin' tornado passed through it. I don't think that's too much to ask for. Just one day of non-sleepiness. *Sigh* Wishful thinking.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Mommy Moment

I had one of those mommy moments yesterday that was more or less a so-precious-words-can't-describe-it-almost-brings-tears-to-your-eyes moments. Bryanna insisted on sleeping in Brendan's new crib with him. Why? I don't know, but I wasn't going to say no to a soon-to-be Kodak moment of both my kiddos sleeping together. And sure enough.... that moment came.

I had to hold back the tears. I love these little people!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Growing Up

It's official. I've got a 6-month old mover on my hands. Not quite scooting yet, but he turns in circles and rolls around to get to where he wants to go. I've witnessed him getting up on his hands and knees, but he's not stable enough to stay there so he falls back on his tummy.

Bryanna's little Miss Independent. She was singing her version of "The Ants Go Marching" today and I just about fell over dying of laughter. It went a little something like "Ants go march. Eh, eh, eh (trying to find the words). Little one stops. Eh, eh. A tree. Boom, boom, boom. Hoorah!" Adorable, right!? She takes at least two baths a day, and she needs them to be hot per her request. I'm totally ok with this because it keeps her occupied for at least 20 minutes. (Gives mommy a little break.) She loves to clean, cook, and change her baby's diaper. She's such a little mommy already.

It's so great watching your kids grow up. It's even better having others around to watch them grow up with you. I wouldn't trade being a mommy of two for anything. It's honestly the best!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Joys of Mommyhood

It started on Monday. Got a phone call from day care saying Bryanna had a temp of 100.5. Not high enough to have to be picked up, but high enough to get a phone call. Fever continued into Tuesday, but it wasn't that bad. Nothing some medicine couldn't fix. Runny nose and cough have been going on for a little less than a week now.

And then there is Wednesday... Oh boy. Grandma picked Bryanna up from day care because of a temp of 101.5. Alright, mommy realizes it's time to call in the doctor. I get home from work, Bryanna is whiney, crying, and very sensitive. Not just that, but she also has diarrhea. I mean, come on now, isn't there enough going on!? I take her to urgent care and she's got a double ear infection. She's prescribed Augmenton (sp?) and we also need to use the nebulizer 3 times a day for her cough.

So we get home and I give her the antibiotic. Diarrhea is still going on. And now there's puking! Like, seriously!? She threw up about four times! Wouldn't eat anything. Would barely drink anything. She's crying. Whining. Throwing tantrums. My poor little girl is in so much pain and there was nothing I could do to make it better. Worst. Feeling. Ever.

She finally falls asleep, but wakes up about 2 hours later. So mommy, of course, babies her to make her comfortable. Anything I can do to help. We fall asleep on the couch and I wake up a few hours later to find her sleeping on the floor in the boppy. How cute, right!?

Today was much better. She didn't want to take her medicine, but we got it down eventually. Less whining. Less crying. Less tantrums. More eating and drinking. Lots of diarrhea, but no puking. Although there isn't anything I can do to make her feel better physically, there's lots a mommy can do to put her in a better mood.

Sleeping like a baby... sort of.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Never-ending Laundry

It seems as though I work at a place that does a person's laundry for them. That's my job when I come home. The laundry piles up, I wash it, I dry it, I fold it (eventually), but then I look and it's piled up again! It literally is "never-ending laundry" around these parts. There's not a day that goes by that there isn't at least one load to do. And as soon as I catch up on it, there's even more to do. Will the nonesense of ever stop!?

These are the clean clothes. More is in the washer and dryer, and there's still two more loads to do.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pushing Buttons

The bf and I got a good lesson in button-pushing today. I mean that figuratively, of course.

I've always had an issue with anger. I know that anger is not a bad thing, it's actually good to get angry. Anger can become bad, though, when you express it negatively. Such as getting physical, consistent yelling, name calling, etc. I always tend to venture towards these negative expressions of anger. All of a sudden, my feelings mean everything and the other person's mean nothing. Therefore I can say and do whatever I want.

It becomes even worse when the person you're fighting with knows exactly what buttons to push to get a rise out of you, and visa versa. It's almost as if you want to fight. This, in turn, becomes a major problem. Words get said, things get broken, people get hit... at least in my case.

It's not healthy to react in those ways. I know this. And it's something I've struggled with since I can remember. Today's "tiff" with the bf showed me that I still haven't got control of my anger - and neither does he (to an extent). But relationships are all about making mistakes and learning from them, and growing together as a couple. I'm going to use today's actions as a starting point for change. Time to move in the right direction and learn new ways to express my anger. No better time like the present, right?

Talking Twos

There's nothing like a good 'ol talk with your daughter when you get off of work. I'd say about half my car ride home (if not more) consisted of Bryanna telling me about her day, and me answering her questions. She's only 2, but she can certainly hold up a conversation. And I absolutely love it. Then towards the end of the drive, Brendan decided to jump in. He had woken up and began making all his cute, little noises. Ahh... what a great way to end the day.

And on top of that, Bryanna went down amazing for bed. She has been doing so good lately with that. No fights. No fussing. Just pure cooperation. What more could I ask for at this point? My kiddos are the bestest.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wise Woman

So I had quite the conversation with a friend of my mother's today. She is a wise, wise woman. I had some worries about things going on in my life, and she was able to give me some peace of mind.

She helped me realize that things aren't as bad as they may seem, or as bad as other people may make them seem. I have a lot to appreciate. I have a lot to work on. I have a lot of things to change. And you better believe, I'm going to do it. Period.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Smacks May Be Needed

Sometimes it's really easy for my to put my faith in God and know that when things happen in my life, it's for a reason. It may take a while to figure out exactly what the reason was, but eventually I see it. I know that when God does things, it's for the better. To force you into choices or decisions that you need to make.

But then there are times when I don't see a reason at all. Times when the things that happen don't seem like they happened for any reasonl. He just did it because... well... he's God and he can! He has that control and power to make things happen when he wants, the way he wants.

I haven't quite grasped this concept yet, but I'm hoping that in time I will. What concept, you may ask? That sometimes, you need a full blown smack in the face to make you realize certain things. My wise mother walked me through this one... God gives you signs and hints, and makes things happen along the way to help you realize what choices you need to make. Or maybe, to help you figure out how to live a happy life. He tries to show you "the way." But sometimes (maybe, most of the time) people don't listen to these subtle hints/clues. And God can only throw so much your way until he tells himself "Alright she's not getting it. Time to pull out the big guns." And at that point, what happens may be, as I said, a full blown smack in the face. It sucks. It can be heartbreaking. It can send you into a whirlwind of emotion. But he does it for a reason, right? Probably because you didn't listen to all those hints He had previously given you. He needed to do something BIG in order to force you in the right direction. And believe me, you may not like that "big something" he throws your way.

So here's my take on it: listen to God the first time. If not, then at least the second time. Because if it gets to be the third, fourth, maybe even fifth time, you're not going to like what He does. He has a plan for everyone. He has a plan for me. I just needed a good old "ass-whooping" to help me realize what that plan is.

Now the hard part... taking the steps in the right direction to follow His plan. It's not going to be easy. Actually, it's probably going to be really hard. Making certain changes in life are difficult to stick to. But I suppose that if you put your faith in God, and listen to him, and do what you know needs to be done then it gets a little easier. I hope...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Much Appreciation

I'm going to try and get back in to this whole blogging thing. Much has been on my mind, and I suppose this could be a "healthy" way of letting it out.

Lately I've been finding my mind thinking about things that I really don't want to be thinking about, let alone concerned with. But... it still goes there whether I want it to or not.

One of the things it tends to venture towards is the BD's lifestyle. Or maybe opportunities is the better word. I find myself thinking "How come he gets to go on vacations to New York and California and I don't? That's not fair." Or "Why is it he always knows that I will be there to care of our children when he isn't able to? How come that's not the same for me? That's not fair."

But then things like tonight happen. I go into the bedroom to make my way to the bathroom, and what do I see when I look at my baby girl? Her jams on the floor (ya know? the ones she was wearing when I put her to bed earlier this evening) and her blankie covering her nakey body. And I had to check... and yes, her diaper was still on. She is known to completely undress whenever she wants to, diaper included.

Seeing her like that made me realize that if I lived the lifestyle the BD does, I would miss out on all these "little moments." Those moments that make me smile when no one else is around to see it. The moments that make me laugh and cry because they are just too precious to ever forget. The moments that I would never get back if I took trips to New York or California. I realized, I have it much better than that.

I get to watch my babies grow up :)

So in a way, maybe I should... thank him?? Because of him, and his chosen lifestyle/opportunities/priorities (whatever you prefer to call it), I have a much greater appreciation for the life I have chosen and the way I have chosen to live it... with my kiddos.