Monday, August 17, 2009
Long time no blog
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Today was Bryanna's 11-month birthday. I've said it before, and I will say it again. I can't believe she is turning 1 year old in just one month! It's just way too crazy for me to handle. We're getting the party plans going. Invites should be out by the end of the week for sure. You can view the fun facts about her on the blog I have her. It's pretty cool stuff.
But even though today was a very happy day (because Bryanna is yet another month older), it was very stressful for me. I don't know what is going on, but I was freaking out over every little thing. The morning was fine, work was fine, the ride home was fine. But after that it just went downhill. Me and the babe got home and played for a little a while. I messed around online for a little bit. (Had to catch up on the soaps I missed last week and yesterday). Then she got hungry so I was trying to feed her broccoli and cereal. I am well aware that broccoli is def not her fave thing to eat. So I was scooping some broccoli on the spoon and then scooping cereal over it to kind of lessen the taste of the broccoli. She did ok for about 5 bites and then she just wouldn't stop crying. She wasn't screaming or anything, but there were tears and whines. She wouldn't swallow the bite I had just given her and I couldn't figure out why. I was getting so frustrated at that point. I didn't yell at her (she's 11 months old, that wouldn't do any good even if she did understand), but I did raise my voice. Not because I was mad at her, but because I didn't know what she wanted. She was hungry, but didn't want to take a bite and wouldn't swallow her last one. Then I realized that there was a chunk (not a very large chunk, but a chunk) of broccoli in the side of her mouth that she didn't want to swallow (and neither would I). I've been pureeing my own food to save a little money so that explains the chunk. So I took the chunk out of her mouth and forced a bite of cereal into her mouth. She then realized that it was not broccoli I was feeding her anymore and started eating just fine. But at that point I had already tossed out the broccoli thinking that she just didn't want to eat it, but really she just wanted me to get the chunk out of her mouth. So of course I was obsessing over the food I just wasted. The rest of the feeding was still just as frustrating, but I won't go into detail. I was so wound up from being frustrated over the feeding that I started getting anxious (me + anxious = not good). The kitchen looked filthy, dishes needed to be done, the floor was gross and needed to be swept, the bathroom was cluttered and dirty, the laundry was piling up, the baby's room was messy, etc., etc. So I went on a mini cleaning spree. Bathroom? Done. Kitchen floor swept? Done. Living room picked up and vacuumed? Done. Load of laundry in the wash? Done. I was in the zone. I feel really bad about my behavior with Bryanna while feeding her. I once read on a friends blog (I think) that after a frustrating day with your child, just go watch them sleep. Which is exactly what I am going to do right now. Tomorrow will be better.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What a day
Today was quite an eventful day. Three seperate (but very important) things happened. Two were just Bryanna being cute, and the other was quite a scare.
1) Bryanna and I walked to the beach today and met up with Travis and a friend. The boys went out on the jetski and the girls (meaning us) hung out on the beach. Bryanna and I were playing in the shallow (very shallow) water, and she kept grabbing handfuls of dirt and putting it in my hand. If my hand wasn't open to catch it, then she would wait. It was sooo adorable. We had a blast though.
2) This event I did not witness, but Travis told me about it. We found this big beach ball in our driveway a few days ago so we took it and washed it up for Bryanna to play with. Today, she was scootin' around and pushing the ball with her nose. After a little bit, she ran into the couch. Of course, she didn't know what was going on. So she proceeded to push the ball with her nose. Since the ball was obviously not moving, her face got all smooshed up against the ball as she was struggling to make it move. Wish I woulda seen it!
3) Now this is the biggie. Unfortunately, today was the day of the first major/huge accident of Bryanna's life. We just got a new stroller and of course I am completely stoked. As I mentioned previously, we walked to the beach. Bryanna (and mommy) wanted to test out her new ride. We got home, I gave Bryanna a bath, and then took a shower myself. I wanted to do the dishes, but Bryanna is all over the place now-a-days. So I strapped her in her new stroller, put the brakes on, and turned her towards the sink so she could watch me clean the dishes. In the middle of washing a bowl, not even 30 seconds after I started doing the dishes, I heard a *thud*. I turned around and Bryanna was laying face down on the kitchen floor. BALLING! I dropped the bowl and ran to pick her up. Travis walked in the door at that point and was asking what happened. I explained and both me and him consoled Bryanna until she settled down. It only took about a minute and a half and she was ok again. But there was this little red bump on the right side of her head near the hairline. It didn't seem like a normal bump to me because it kind of came to a rounded point. Travis insisted that she was ok, but I wasn't going to settle for that. I called the nurses line and told them what happened and they said since she is under 1 year old that she needs to be seen. I brought her to the hospital, and surprisingly it didn't take long at all to get a room. Usually it's at least a 20 minute wait in the lobby. This time, we got right in. Doc said everything was fine. Her fine motor skills were normal and she was talking, sucking, and giggling like normal. What a relief! Then we waited about 30 minutes to get our discharge papers and we were outta there.
Now I am home. Blogging. Soon to be on the couch watching TV. I'm really hoping I won't have to report anymore incidents like the one above ever again.