Monday, August 17, 2009

Long time no blog

It's been quite a few days since my last post. Not too much has been going on. I was so flippin excited when I saw Bryanna hands-and-knees crawl today. She didn't go very far at all, but she did slide her legs a couple of times. The army crawl is a lot faster at the moment, but I am sure it won't be long until hands-and-knees takes over. She is still doing the butt scoot thing which is still adorable. And she can go from crawling to sitting up all on her own. It's very cute to watch her. She's already learned so much in the little time that she's been here. It's crazy! I have sent out invites for her 1st b-day party. The menu hasn't been set in stone yet though. It's between sloppy joes and hot dogs & hamburgers. We have time to decide though. There is going to be quite a few people there. Trav's mom's family, Trav's dad's family, my mom's family, and some of my dad's family. Then friends who are able to come as well. It certainly is going to be a party. :)

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