Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crunch time

Trav and I are beginning to realize how close we are getting to Bryanna's first birthday. I can't even believe it's in a little over a month! It seriously seems like I just brought her home from the hospital yesterday. We've begun to make up the guest list and it's becoming a pretty l o n g list. If this pans out correctly (which I hope it does), Trav's family and mine will be meeting for the very first time... EVER! So that adds a tid bit more pressure to the situation. We have no idea where we are going to have the party, what we're going to do or have there, or anything else for that matter! Can you tell we're new at this whole first birthday thing!? And then on top of that, we haven't gotten her baptised yet. :( Something that should have been done about 7 months ago. Yes, as parents, we are certainly slacking. I suppose after the b-day plans are made and set in stone, we will start on the baptism. Wish us luck!

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