Saturday, August 1, 2009

Long time no see

I'm beginning to realize that I have a major problem with following through with things. I always try and start an exercise routine (as I've mentioned before) and a couple days into it I stop. I just don't have the motivation to continue. I started to take a daily walk, but yet again, that ended. And now, with this whole blogging thing. I did pretty good for the first week or so, but after that it went downhill. Well! I am at it again! I think this is my first blog in a week and a half. I know you've just been w a i t i n g to hear from me soooo here it is..... I don't have a good enough memory to explain every minute of the last week so I'm going to just tell you about my day :) Me, Travis, and Bryanna went up to an old friend's cabin. It was pretty fun. Our friend has 2 little girls. One is 4 and the other is 8 months old. It was so cute watching the two babes play! Bryanna certainly had a blast. As did mom and dad. All we did was sit out on the deck and talk and play with the kiddos. Played some bocce(sp?) ball towards the end of the day. Dinner was delish. Hamburgers on the grill with corn on the cob. Mmmmmmmmm! I am beat, and so is the babe. She fell asleep on the car ride home. She is now in her crib, and my bed time is soon to come. 

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