Sunday, July 12, 2009


As I predicted, today was indeed a very long day. It started at 7:30A when I woke up to shower and get ready for the lunch we were having with my grandparents today. It was their 60th wedding anniversary party so the entire family went. Uncles, Aunts, cousins... the whole shabang. Then Bryanna woke up shortly after so I fed her some breakfast. The usual cereal and fruit. Today was bananas. Travis then showed up at my mom's and we were on our way to SSP to meet up with my dad. From there it was a TWO hour or so drive down to La Crosse, WI. A super long trip especially when you are the one driving and the other is in the backseat s n o o z i n g ! Man was I jealous. Lunch was certainly delish though. I had the breakfast buffet, Travis had broasted chicken, and the baby had quite a few mashed potaters and bites of egg. After lunch, we drove another 45 minutes to my grandparents house for pictures. Then it was cake and chit-chat time. Found out my cousin is pregnant again. That was def some exciting news. Then it was another long car drive back to my mother's in Stillwater. About a half hour before we got to our destination, Bryanna decided to have Crying Fest 2009 in the backseat. I'm telling you screaming and tears and even more screaming. Turns out she just wanted to see her momma :-) As soon as me and Trav switched drivers and I sat in the back with her, she stopped crying. She was her cheerful little self again playing with dad's cell phone (as usual). She usually settles down when we give her something she isn't supposed to play with. I've noticed that lots of babies are like that, lol. When we finally got back to Stillwater it was time for Bryanna's dinner. After she finished eating she went back to Forest Lake with dad. I am missing her sooo much right now. I haven't spent the night without her in so long. It's weird. CRAZY MOMMA MOMENT: I actually drove all the way up to Forest Lake just to give Bryanna her puppy she sleeps with every night. What!? She's not used to sleeping without it! :) Anyhoo... I am now at my mom's... without my babe... and missing my own home. Can't wait for tomorrow to come.

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