Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend Getaway

This weekend was amazing! Trav, Bryanna and myself went up to Richmond, MN to his dad's cabin. It was extremely fun and deserved, that's for sure! We got up there on Saturday about 1:00P or so I was very exhausted and it was Bryanna's nap time soooo we both took a nap :) Travis mowed the lawn while we were snoozing. Both of us woke up refreshed and ready for the festivities. It was River Lake Days so we hit the parade at 7:00P. Bryanna loved it. And so did us adults. After the parade was finished we mozied on over to the little carnival they had. Ate some food. Walked around. Listened to the live music and got ready for the fireworks. Fireworks were not the best, but Bryanna liked them. She didn't show too much enthusiasm, but she actually watched them this time rather than play with the grass or daddy like she did at the Forest Lake fireworks a few weeks ago. By this time it was about 10:45P so all three of us were pooped out. The night was definitely over. We headed back to the cabin and hit the hay. Then today we were outside for most of the day. A couple of our friends came up to join the fun. We jetskiied and swam (a.k.a. got thrown off the jetski). Bryanna def enjoyed being out in the sunshine. Unfortunately, she has come down with some sort of illness. There is no shortage of snot in her nose, that's for sure. It has been running ever since Saturday morning. Poor girl. I'm pretty sure she'll make a full recovery though :) So all-in-all it was a VERY exciting weekend!

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