Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today was quite uneventful actually. It has been a super long day though! I did not get to sleep in as I thought I would. You know the Valleyfair commercial where the kid says, "Mom! Dad! What are you doing? It's been morning for 6 whole hours!" If Bryanna could talk that is exactly what she would have said to me this morning. The little lady woke me up at 6:30A. I don't even know if she really fell back asleep, but after I fed her a 4 oz. bottle I laid her back in her crib. I then went back to bed for another 2 hours. At 8:30A I officially began my day. Me and the babe took a walk to Target to get a few things. Then it was pure laziness as soon as we got home. Her afternoon nap was not to my satisfaction. She woke up about 3-4 times and I had to go in there and sooth her. It was roughly an hour and a half long. That is a darn short nap for her. Now that it is the evening, she has been a cranky - and I mean CRANKY - butt since about 6:00P. At this moment she is still lying awake in her crib struggling to fall asleep. I've been trying for an hour now to get her to go to sleep. I don't care if there is another reason, but I am blaming it all on teething. She has that one bottom tooth still coming in and it must be hurtin pretty bad cuz she has not been herself at all today. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that tomorrow is not as bad. I am not used to handling an ornery baby.

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