Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I am not doing a very good job of posting everyday. I need to get better at that. Man oh man, yesterday was a long day. I didn't even do anything! It was just l o n g . I worked from 8:00A to 2:00P which seemed to last FOREVER. Then I picked up Bryanna from daycare and headed home to watch movies. Since I've been staying at my mom's, it felt extremely nice to just hang out at my own house. Nothing too exciting though. Put the babe down to bed at about 7:30P and just relaxed. Today was pretty much the exact same thing. Work until 2:00P and then picked up Bryanna and went home. I, yet again, sat there and watched a movie. Got a few things done too. I finally took back the closet that was supposed to be mine. Trav has so many clothes that he takes up the entire closet in our room. So then I took the closet in the baby's room. The only problem was that we did not have a dresser for Bryanna so all of her clothes had to be hung up as well. She has so many clothes! She took up more of the closet than I did. All of that ended today. My mom was so kind to paint an old dresser of her's for me and I finally got a chance to bring it to the house. Bryanna's clothes are in the dresser and mine are in the closet. Success. As I was putting her clothes away, too, I realized that we are going to be needing some bigger outfits. Although she still fits into some 6 month stuff and 6-9 month stuff, she is definitely getting bigger every day. Sooooo you know what that means? GARAGE SALE - ING! I love going to garage sales. Good clothes for cheap. Doesn't get much better than that.

1 comment:

  1. hey lady, we should go garage sale'ing together one of these days! cheap clothes and *bonus* we get to hang out!
