Saturday, July 11, 2009


Man oh man was today a b-o-r-i-n-g day. I, for one, could not fall asleep for the life of me last night. I think it had something to do with the fact that I was not sleeping in my own bed at my own house. Bryanna decided to wake up at 7:30A so I ended up getting about 4 1/2 hours of sleep. Let me tell ya... that is NOT enough for me. I was very irritable and crabby all day long. Unfortunately, both Bryanna and my sister had to deal with it. (Sorry!) There wasn't much to do so it was pretty much a super lazy day. Me and the babe did take an hour and 45 min nap though. AAAAmazing!! It felt really nice to get a few more hours of sleep. It just seemed like this day was doomed from the beginning. First when I was making Bryanna's morning bottle I spilled the formula powder all over the counter. Then, at every feeding thereafter (and I mean EVERY), she was just sooo squirmy and easily distracted. Food ended up all over her face, clothes, and even on the floor. She managed to kick the bowl of oatmeal out of my hand and it landed face down on the floor. Oatmeal was aaall over the place. And lately, she has been really clingy. I've noticed that when she is getting tired or wants attention, she will just crawl over to me (or dad) and cling... literally cling. Arms around the neck or leg or arm. Whatever she manages to grab first I guess. It is sooo cute, but there are times when I need to get things done and I just don't have the time to play with her (at that moment). Other times I just don't have the energy. I have not been feeling like myself at all lately and it is making it very difficult to be a good mom to Bryanna. Thank goodness that my sister was here today. She helped me out a lot by playing with her when I just didn't have the patience. Now she is sleeping and, yet again, I am spending the night by myself watching some tube. We have a long day tomorrow so I better be able to get a little more shut eye than I did last night. Crossing my fingers on that one.

My goodness! I almost forgot! Today is/was Bryanna's 10-month birthday. I cannot believe how big she has gotten and how much she has learned already. The crawling thing has taken off. Although it is still only army crawling, she has definitely got it down. Due to the fact that she has mastered the crawl, she has also acquired some bumps and bruises on the forehead. She tends to just fall forward or to the side when she is sitting up and wants to get onto her tummy. Just like her momma, clumsy and not graceful at all. She's also still working on that one tooth. Not quite all the way in yet, but it is for sure making its way. I just can't believe that in 2 months - 2 months - she is going to be one year old! Like seriously... where the heck did time go!? It really just flew by. Seems like just yesterday I brought her home from the hospital weighing a whopping 4 lbs 5 oz. Now she's probably about 15 lbs. I was in such a hurry for her to start crawling and getting teeth... now I'm ready for her to slow down! :)

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