Thursday, July 2, 2009

No Longer Toothless

Today was actually a very nice day. I did some jetskiing with Travis and ran some errands. Bryanna was at day care all day. I picked her up about 5:30P and when we got home I immediately went to work on her scootin' skills. I showed off the cell phone then laid it about a foot or so away from her and watched her make her way towards it. Every time she did it, she did it with success. Very talented, I know.

Along with the scoot she has also acquired her very first tooth! I was soooooo excited! I have been wondering when the heck they were going to come in, and now the time has come. The story behind the discovery: She was screaming - not out of anger, just cuz she can - and Travis put his finger in her mouth and said "None of that!" (Jokingly of course) Well, Bryanna was not having the attitude from dad so she took it upon herself to bite his finger. That's when he realized that there was a tooth. Of course, then I had to check it out for myself. Oh yes. I rubbed over that little tooth about 10 times before I let her be. Only a matter of time before the others come in.

So there's TWO - woops!! make that THREE - milestones reached in the last three days. First word, army crawl, and the very first tooth. Man oh man! Things happen so quick!


  1. Isn't it totally amazing how they can learn something new literally every day!! It's sad seeing them grow up so fast but SO much fun!

    Oh yeah, and Braden just got his 4th tooth this week and officially bit me for the first time while I was nursing him...OUCH! :)

  2. that's so exciting! before you know it, she'll be asking to borrow the car. ;)
