Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's Independence Day!

Bryanna's first 4th of July! Very exciting stuff today.... we began the day with the Forest Lake parade. She had a blast. She especially loved the guys on the motorcycles that were doing figure eights. Daddy then drove the car home and me and Bryanna walked all the way home. Driving distance its about 2 minutes, so it wasn't a far walk at all. Mom definitely needed the exercise that's for sure. Then it was nap time... for baby AND momma :) Travis did some jetskiing with the neighbors while me and Bryanna hung out at home after we woke up from our naps. We have this toy where you pull the string and it vibrates. She thinks it is the coolest thing. She'll go completely still whenever she feels the vibration. She's actually learned how to pull the string herself! It was absolutely adorable watching her play with it on the floor. For the evening festivities, we went to the carnival in town. It was tons of fun for sure. We walked around and she, yet again, stared at everything she possibly could. Dad won her a couple stuffed animals and took her down a really cool slide. My computer is super messed up so I can't put the pictures on here, but they will for surely be on Facebook as soon as I get a chance to put them up. Oh and then came the fireworks. Although they were super bright and high in the sky and should have been totally awesome for her to watch... she was not very interested. LOL. She would look up every once in a while and see what was going on, but she did not have the attention span for it. We definitely had a pretty sweet day! The crawling is getting better. No hands and knees yet, but she pretty much scoots herself to wherever she wants to go. It was a very late night so she is one tired out baby. I see a very refreshed momma in the morning due to the fact that Bryanna will be sleeping in a lot later than usual. Oh my goodness! I almost forgot the best part! As we were walking to the park to watch the fireworks I had the luxury of stepping in a very large pile of horse poo. Yes, that's correct. HORSE POO! I was pretty damn crabby after that incident. Thankfully I was able to get most of it out of the grooves on the bottom, but that specific shoe is spending the night outside our back door. No need to drag the potential lingering stinkiness into the house. Very eventful day, and a very tired out fam at the end of it.

1 comment:

  1. whew! sounds like you all had quite an eventful day! and that stinks about the horse poo. literally. glad you had fun though!
