Thursday, July 16, 2009


The title to this post is exactly how I feel right now...................................... nothing. I'm tired. Cranky. Irritated. Angry. Frustrated. And all at the same time I feel absolutely nothing. Is that even possible?? Well apparently for me it is. This day could not have come to a worse close. Fighting with the boyfriend and a crabby baby. Two not so good combinations. PLUS I was super crabby myself. I worked until 2:00P as usual. Came home to a not so clean house which meant had to clean it. Then all three of us went to a baseball game that I did NOT even want to go to, but for some reason just HAD to go. I was not happy about that. All I wanted to do was come home and do nothing. Was that going to happen? Nope. After the baseball game we went out to eat with some of the fam. I, for one, didn't want any food. I was being stubborn, yes, but even if I did want food, I wouldn't have been able to eat any of it. Bryanna was tired and hungry so I made several trips to the bathroom for water for the cereal, then water for a bottle, and then the spoon dropped on the floor so I had to go wash it, and then she pooped... twice... and, YEP, you guessed it. I had to change them both. It was not a pleasant evening that's for sure. And to top this whole thing off... Travis turns the big 2-1 in less than 2 hours - another not so good thing. I'm going to end the negativity now. I apologize for being a Debbie Downer.

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