Friday, July 10, 2009

Beach Party!

Today was much more interesting than the last 2 days. It started off with little miss waking up at 9:30A. Awesome for mom! She's usually up and at 'em around 7:00A or so. I then fed Bryanna her morning bottle and cleaned the house before our guests arrived. Yes, that's right. Guests! My cousin, Lauren, and friend, Megan, came up to go to the beach with us. Trav's friend Chas and Nick came up too. It was super fun. Travis also brought the jetski out so everyone got to go out on that. The babe, of course, loved the water. She lasted about an hour and a half which is pretty good for her. I thought maybe she would get bored quicker than that. Ya know, babies have really short attention spans. And of course I was freaking out about Bryanna getting sunburn so I pretty much layered the SPF 50 all over her body. Every 20 mins or so I would reapply the lotion. She was absolutely not having it when I put her sun hat on. That led to me also lathering up her hair with sunscreen. I couldn't let her little head get burnt! About 3:00P we headed back to the house to grill some chicken and hot dogs. Weird combo I know. Us girls had hot dogs and the boys ate chicken. It was delish! Bryanna was a bit pooped out so we laid her down for a nap. Surprisingly she only slept for an hour and a half. I then gave her a bath - she still had sunscreen all over and in her hair. We are now at my mother's house. She is out of town for a couple weeks so for the next 5 days I will be staying here to watch the dogs (and 15 year old sister). Bryanna is tuckered out and sleeping, and I am watching some good ol' GSN. It's gunna be a lazy/boring night.

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